Montessori Radmoor

Slowing Down, Connecting our Minds and Body

As adults, we live fast paced lives. We quickly have to move from one activity to the next, check off this item on our to-do list and move on to the next one. Personally, I have to slow myself down to be in the moment, I have to take a step back and understand what I am doing and why I am doing it. I also have to question what is important for me to do now versus what is important to do later. When children see us living fast paced lives, they are apt do to the same. Often times in the second plane child, we see this fast pace and we try to help them slow themselves down. 

The last few weeks, in the classroom, we have been talking about mindfulness. We have focused on our breathing and learning some new yoga poses to help us connect our mind to our body. With this breathing and these poses, we are able to slow down. The children are able to slow down. When we are able to slow our mind down, we are able to focus on our task at hand. Being mindful also allows us to focus on our actions and reasoning behind our actions. I have found that working on this breathing and these poses truly helps the students to be more mindful about their actions and choices. I enjoy looking over to see someone trying to balance on one leg while extending their other leg out. You can honestly see the concentration in the child’s eyes and mind. 

I have attached a video about mindfulness for children. It truly represents what it is we are striving towards in our community. Enjoy!  

As a brief reminder, please review our school’s health policy.

Lastly, as we are approaching April and May we have some big events coming up. If you have any questions regarding camp, third year testing, International Night, or end of the year dates, please feel free to send me an e-mail. 

Have a safe and healthy spring break!


Ms. Sara

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