Montessori Radmoor

Russell_Christine at Montessori Radmoor

Dear Parents,

The close of the year is just around the corner. I cannot believe how fast time has flown by. We have worked hard and have had a lot of fun!

At this time of year it can be a bit overwhelming with all of the activities that we fit into the end of the year. This Friday is International Night and we are Europe. The children have worked hard all year on reports that will be used on this night. I can’t wait to see what it all looks like when we are finished and I am sure you all are looking forward to it as well.

On the 20th of May are the Elementary Pot Luck and Art Show starting at 5:30. Bring a dish to pass and admire all the beautiful art that the children have made over the course of the year. This is always a very fun time and we are happy to combine the two events this year.

The children are starting to rehearse for the upcoming Spring Concert.  It is to be held on the 28th of this month.  Your children should arrive at 6:45 p.m.

On the 29th it is Parent Appreciation Day. We would like to say thank you for all you do to help the school. Come in for some treats that the classrooms have made. Feel free to stop in gym to enjoy some light appetizers at drop off time, noon pick up or at the end of the school day.

On the 4th of June are the 3rd and 6th year luncheon and the 6th grade passages ceremony. Parents will receive a personalized invitation made by their child.

The 6th years are planning their sixth year trip. When there is a specific date nailed down I will let the 6th grade parents know and you shall also receive a permission slip to sign before they go. They have to choose a place they would like to travel with just me and so we can return by the end of the school day.

The 5th is the last day of school. It is also Biography day! 3rd through 6th year students write a monologue on a person of their interest. They wear a costume that they have made. The costume may be put together at home. The Salvation Army, Goodwill and other area second hand stress are great places to look for items that they might want as part of their costume.

Spirit Week is the last week of school this year. The children will offer submissions for the day’s activities and we will have a vote to finalize what each day of the week will be. As soon as this process is done, we will let you know. We usually start the process right after International Night.

Also, this time of year can be a bit emotional for those students graduating. They have to say goodbye to friends and a classroom that has been their family for three to six years. They are excited and nervous about the unknown environment they will encounter in the fall. You may want to set aside some time to talk about their feelings in this matter and ask them what you might be able to do to help them in the transition. My son, Brady, will be transitioning this fall into high school at Williamston High. He has already expressed his anxiousness and excitement! He knows that transitions are hard for him so we have decided to visit the high school to walk around this summer. Little things like this help, such as, visiting where the bus will be dropping them off and picking them up; what is a locker, and how do you manage a combination; but most of all how to organize themselves since they will have to change classes. These are all things that can be worked on over the summer.

Let me know if there is anything I can do for you at the end of the year. My end of year is packed as well with many things, school related and personal. I do request that if you have forms that I need to fill out for other schools or summer camps that I am given at least a week to prepare them. I like to be thoughtful about what I write and need the extra time to compose letters that I am happy to turn into prospective schools and camps.

I hope to see you all on Biography day. At this time of year it is very important to check your emails for updates on the many events that happen this year.

Thank You,


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